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Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) refers to the process of using highly dispersed microbubbles to adhere to pollutants in wastewater, forming a float with a density lower than water to achieve solid-liquid separation and liquid-liquid separation. It is suitable for removing suspended solids, oils, and fats…
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Precautions for Using a Cartridge Filter: Inspection Before Use: Before using the filter, ensure that the equipment is intact and undamaged, and that all components and seals are secure. Assemble according to the specified requirements. Initial Cleaning: Before first use, thoroughly clean the new filter…
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Slag removal through mechanical conveying, dewatering by pressing, and external transport has been applied in various wastewater treatment plants. For conveying equipment related to screen residue of Mechanical Bar Screen: Since the conveying process of bar screen residue can emit unpleasant odors, the conveyor should…
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Flow Speed & Installation Angle of Mechanical Bar Screen Elevation and Layout Volume and Nature of Screened Debris If the gap between the bars is 16–25mm, the debris volume is estimated at 0.10–0.05m³ per 1000m³ of wastewater. If the gap between the bars is 25–40mm,…
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1. How to Choose a Mechanical Bar Screen? The bar screen should be installed before the wastewater treatment system or pump. Wastewater often contains various debris like fibers, wood, plastics, and paper of different sizes. To prevent damage or blockages in pumps, mechanical equipment, and…
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I. Basic Principle A disc centrifuge is a type of vertical centrifuge, where the drum is mounted on the upper end of a vertical shaft and driven by a motor through a transmission mechanism to rotate at high speed. Inside the drum, there is a…
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Before the activated carbon reaches its adsorption saturation, it is necessary to perform regular backwashing to remove the large amount of bacterial colonies and suspended solids from the surface of the activated carbon. During backwashing, it is essential to observe the expansion rate of the…
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An activated carbon filter utilizes the abundant capillary pores of activated carbon to adsorb and filter large organic molecules, residual chlorine, iron oxides, and other colloidal substances from water. This adsorption process is irreversible; once the activated carbon reaches its adsorption capacity, it loses its…
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The effectiveness of the Activated Carbon Filter during operation can be monitored by measuring the turbidity of the filtered water. However, this metric does not indicate the development condition of the filter. During operation, the turbidity of the effluent does not change significantly, and if…
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Porosity of the Filter Layer The porosity of the filter layer is the percentage of the total volume of the filter layer that is made up of the spaces between the particles. A higher porosity means that the filter layer can retain a larger amount…
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Wedge Wire Screen

Wedge Wire Screen is made from welded screen wires and screen bars, offering high strength and good flatness. It can be manufactured in various shapes such as rectangular, square, circular, and fan-shaped. Applications: Materials: Maximum Dimensions: Product Features: Non-clogging: The screen surface wire has a triangular…
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The activated carbon filter is a commonly used water treatment device. It serves as a pre-treatment unit in desalination systems to effectively ensure the longevity of downstream equipment and improve the quality of the output water. In desalination systems, the primary role of the activated…
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Working Principle The vibrating screen equipment uses a vibrating motor as the vibration source. Through the vibrating force, materials are screened on the screen mesh. The excitation force generated by the vibrating motor causes the screen box to produce periodic vibrations, making the materials continuously…
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The vibrating sieve screen is a common piece of fine screening equipment. It uses a vertical motor as the excitation source. The motor has eccentric weights installed on both the upper and lower ends, which convert the motor's rotary motion into horizontal, vertical, and inclined…
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Sieve Bend Screen

Sieve screens can be classified based on the size of their openings into coarse screens and fine screens. They can also be categorized by their operation mode into stationary screens and rotary screens. The Sieve Bend Screen consists of curved bars and a frame, forming…
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